Research outline: The Evolution of Mating Systems

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A big-scale  experiment on habitat quality and reproductive success of wetland passerines was undertaken

Research outline
A lottery model for the mating system of Savi's Warbler (Locustella luscinioides; la Locustelle luscinioïde; Rohrschwirl) was developed

Group members '06
We studied whether monogamy and infidelity in Reed buntings (Emberiza schoeniclus; le Bruant des roseaux; Rohrammer) were adaptive traits. A two-stage model of sexual selection could explain the evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) observed in  Reed warblers 
Methods used                               
We searched for an explanation of the intense dawn chorus of Reed buntings; the males emanated a particular dawn song type that is thought to be exploited by females to judge the genetic quality of extra-pair males
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Last modified Oct. 23, 2013